Find The Domain And Range Of Linear Function Word Problems Worksheet

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Domain and range of a linear function define the permissible input and output values. The domain specifies all valid input values (typically real numbers), ensuring meaningful calculations. Meanwhile, the range encompasses all possible output values (also real numbers), indicating the scope of results based on the given inputs. Understanding these concepts ensures relevance and accuracy in problem-solving by focusing on relevant quantities and their relationships.

Algebra 1
Linear Relationship

How Will This Worksheet on "Find the Domain and Range of Linear Function Word Problems" Benefit Your Student's Learning?

  • Help them understand the relationship between numbers and real life.
  • Helps students improve their skills in solving problems involving straight lines.
  • Make them think deeply about where the lines begin and end.
  • Helps them prepare for more complex math questions.
  • Enlightens the learner on h...
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Solved Example

Q. Greta drives a tour bus in New York City. Her bus can seat up to 6060 passengers. She collects a fee of $15\$15 from each passenger, and always waits for at least 1010 passengers to run the tour. The function C(p)C(p) represents the amount Greta collects, in dollars, for running a tour with pp passengers.\newlineWhat is the domain of C(p)C(p)?\newlineChoices:\newline(A) all whole numbers from 00 to 6060\newline(B) all whole numbers from 00 to 1010\newline(C) all whole numbers from 1010 to 6060\newline(D) all whole numbers\newline
  1. Understand function C(p)C(p): C(p)C(p) is the function that represents the amount Greta collects from running a tour with pp passengers. The domain of C(p)C(p) is the set of all possible values that pp can take.
  2. Determine minimum passengers needed: Determine the minimum number of passengers Greta needs to run the tour.\newlineGreta waits for at least 1010 passengers to run the tour. Therefore, the minimum number of passengers is 1010.
  3. Determine maximum seating capacity: Determine the maximum number of passengers the bus can seat.\newlineThe bus can seat up to 6060 passengers, so the maximum number of passengers is 6060.
  4. Identify type of numbers: Passengers are counted as whole numbers because you cannot have a fraction of a passenger.
  5. Combine information for domain: Combine the information to determine the domain of C(p)C(p). The domain of C(p)C(p) is all the whole numbers from the minimum number of passengers (1010) to the maximum number of passengers (6060). Therefore, the domain is all whole numbers from 1010 to 6060.

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