Check If `(X,Y)` Satisfies The Equation Worksheet

Algebra 1
Linear Relationship

Total questions - 6

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How Will This Worksheet on "Check If `(x,y)` Satisfies the Equation" Benefit Your Student's Learning?

  • Enhances understanding of how to apply mathematical concepts in problem-solving situations.
  • Reinforces accuracy by providing a method to double-check solutions.
  • Improves graphing skills by ensuring plotted points align with the equation.
  • Deepens comprehension of relationships between variables in equations.
  • Builds confidence in tackling more complex mathematical problems.

How to Check `(x,y)` Satisfy the Equation?

  • First, understand the linear equation and substitute `x` and `y` values in the given equation.
  • After substituting the values, evaluate both sides of the equation.
  • If the point satisfies the equation, it lies on the line represented by the equation. If it does not satisfy the equation, the point does not lie on the line.

Solved Example

Q. Is (0,3)(0, 3) a solution to the equation y=6xy = 6x?\newlineChoices:\newline(A)yes\newline(B)no
  1. Understand Solution Criteria: Understand what it means for a point to be a solution to an equation.\newlineA point is a solution to an equation if, when the xx and yy values of the point are substituted into the equation, the equation is satisfied (both sides are equal).
  2. Substitute Values: Substitute the xx and yy values of the point (0,3)(0, 3) into the equation y=6xy = 6x.\newlineSubstitute x=0x = 0 and y=3y = 3 into the equation to see if it holds true.\newline3=6×03 = 6 \times 0
  3. Perform Multiplication: Perform the multiplication on the right side of the equation. 6×0=06 \times 0 = 0
  4. Compare Results: Compare the results of the substitution to the original equation.\newlineAfter substitution and calculation, we have 3=03 = 0, which is not true.
  5. Determine Solution Status: Determine if the point (0,3)(0, 3) is a solution to the equation.\newlineSince 33 does not equal 00, the point (0,3)(0, 3) is not a solution to the equation y=6xy = 6x.
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About Worksheet

Algebra 1
Linear Relationship

Check if `(x,y)` satisfies the equation is about seeing if a given point `(x,y)` fits into a certain equation. We do this by putting the values of `x` and `y` into the equation and seeing if both sides match. If they do, the point works in the equation; if not, it doesn't. This helps us confirm solutions, draw graphs correctly, and understand how numbers relate in math problems.

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