Q. Write the repeating decimal as a fraction.0.733733733
Denote Decimal as x: Let's denote the repeating decimal 0.733733733… as x. x=0.733733733… To isolate the repeating part, we multiply x by 1000 because there are three digits in the repeating sequence. 1000x=733.733733… Now, we subtract the original x from 1000x to get rid of the decimal part. 1000x−x=733.733733…−0.733733733… This simplifies to: 0.733733733…0 Now, we divide both sides by 0.733733733…1 to solve for x. 0.733733733…3
Multiply by 1000: We check if the fraction can be simplified. The numerator 733 and the denominator 999 do not have any common factors other than 1, so the fraction is already in its simplest form.
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