Q. Write the repeating decimal as a fraction..61616161
Denote decimal as x: Let's denote the repeating decimal 0.61616161... as x. x=0.61616161... To isolate the repeating part, we multiply x by 100, since the repeating part is two digits long. 100x=61.61616161... Now, we subtract the original x from 100x to get rid of the repeating decimal part. 100x−x=61.61616161...−0.61616161... 0.61616161...0 Now, we divide both sides by 0.61616161...1 to solve for x. 0.61616161...3
Multiply by 100: We check if the fraction can be simplified.Both the numerator and the denominator have a common factor of 1, and there are no other common factors since 61 is a prime number.Therefore, the fraction is already in its simplest form.
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