Q. What number must be subtracted from 67345643 to get 54903891?
Perform Subtraction Operation: To find the number that must be subtracted from 67345643 to get 54903891, we need to perform a subtraction operation where 67345643 is the minuend (the number from which another number is subtracted) and 54903891 is the difference (the result of the subtraction). The subtrahend (the number to be subtracted) is what we are looking for.Calculation: 67345643−54903891=?
Subtraction Calculation: Perform the subtraction operation:3−1=24−9 cannot be done without borrowing, so we borrow from the 6 (which becomes 5) to make 14.14−9=55−8 cannot be done without borrowing, so we borrow from the 5 (which becomes 4) to make 15.4−904−914−924−9 cannot be done without borrowing, so we borrow from the 4−94 (which becomes 6) to make 14.14−9=54−98So, the subtraction looks like this:4−99
Check Subtraction Accuracy: Check the subtraction for any mathematical errors by adding the difference to the subtrahend and see if it equals the minuend:54903891+12441752=673456431+2=39+5=14, carry the 18+7+1 (carried) =16, carry the 13+1+1 (carried) =50+4=41+2=30, carry the 11+2=32 (carried) 1+2=331+2=341+2=35So, the addition confirms our subtraction:1+2=36
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