Q. 2. What number must be subtracted from 67345643 to get 54903891 ?
Identify Meaning of Bar Notation: Identify the meaning of the bar notation. The bar over the number 4903891 indicates that the digits under the bar are repeating. So, 54903891 represents the number 5.49038913901389139013891… and so on, with the sequence 4903891 repeating indefinitely.
Convert to Fraction: Recognize that to subtract and find the original number, we need to work with a finite representation of the repeating decimal. Let's convert 54903891 to a fraction. To do this, let x=5.490389139013891…, then multiply x by 107 (which is 10000000) to shift the decimal point 7 places to the right, getting 107x=54903891.4903891…
Subtract Original x: Subtract the original x from the 107x to get rid of the repeating part. This gives us 107x−x=54903891.4903891...−5.4903891...=54903886.
Simplify Left Side: Now, simplify the left side of the equation: 107x−x=(107−1)x=9999999x.
Solve for x: Solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 9999999: x = rac{54903886}{9999999}.
Perform Division: Perform the division to find the value of x: x=999999954903886=5+99999994903891.
Subtract Fraction from Whole Number: Now that we have the repeating decimal as a fraction, we can subtract it from 67345643. Let's represent the fraction as F for simplicity: F=99999994903891. The subtraction we want to perform is 67345643−F.
Substitute Fraction: Substitute the fraction back into the subtraction: 67345643−99999994903891.
Write Whole Number as Fraction: To subtract the fraction from the whole number, we can write the whole number as a fraction with the same denominator: 999999967345643×9999999−99999994903891.
Perform Subtraction of Numerators: Perform the subtraction of the numerators while keeping the common denominator: [(67345643×9999999)−4903891]/9999999.
Calculate Numerator: Calculate the numerator: (67345643×9999999)−4903891=673456429999999−4903891.
Perform Subtraction in Numerator: Perform the subtraction in the numerator: 673456429999999−4903891=673456425000108.
Fraction Representing Number: Now we have the fraction representing the number to be subtracted from 67345643: (673456425000108)/9999999.
Convert Fraction to Decimal: Since we are looking for a whole number to subtract, we need to convert this fraction back into a decimal to see if it represents a whole number. However, we can observe that the numerator is not a multiple of the denominator, which means the fraction does not represent a whole number. This indicates a math error has occurred in the previous steps.
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