Q. What is the result when the number 44 is decreased by 50% ?Answer:
Convert to Decimal: To decrease a number by a percentage, we multiply the number by the percentage (in decimal form) that we want to decrease it by. To convert a percentage to a decimal, we divide it by 100. So, 50% as a decimal is 50÷100.Calculation: 50÷100=0.5
Calculate Decrease Amount: Now, we multiply the original number, 44, by the decimal form of the percentage decrease, 0.5, to find the amount by which 44 will be decreased.Calculation: 44×0.5=22
Find Result After Decrease: To find the result after the decrease, we subtract the amount of decrease from the original number. Since we are decreasing 44 by 50\%, we subtract the value we found in the previous step from 44.Calculation: 44−22=22
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