Q. What is the result when the number 20 is increased by 3% ?Answer:
Understand Percentage Increase: Understand that increasing a number by a percentage means you are adding that percentage of the number to the original number. To find 3% of 20, we need to convert 3% to a decimal and then multiply by 20.
Convert Percentage to Decimal: Convert 3% to a decimal by dividing 3 by 100, which equals 0.03.
Multiply by Original Number: Multiply 20 by 0.03 to find out how much we need to increase 20 by. So, 20×0.03=0.6.
Add Increase to Original Number: Add the increase to the original number. So, 20+0.6=20.6. This is the result when the number 20 is increased by 3%.
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