The house Trevor's family lives in has 6 people (including Trevor) and 3 bathrooms. In the past month, each person showered for an average of 480 minutes and used an average of 72 litres of shower water (over the entire month). Water costs $\(0\).\(20\)\$ per litre. How much money did Trevor's family spend, in total, on shower water in the past month?
Q. The house Trevor's family lives in has 6 people (including Trevor) and 3 bathrooms. In the past month, each person showered for an average of 480 minutes and used an average of 72 litres of shower water (over the entire month). Water costs $\(0\).\(20\)\$ per litre. How much money did Trevor's family spend, in total, on shower water in the past month?
Calculate water usage per person: Calculate total water used by one person in a month: 72 litres.
Calculate total water usage: Calculate total water used by all 6 people: 72 litres/person ∗6 people =432 litres.
Calculate total cost: Calculate total cost of water: 432 litres $\times \(0\).\(20\)\$ \text{ per litre} = \(86\).\(4\)\$.
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