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Tamera carned an A on 5/8 of her spelling lests. Of those spelling tests, stic earned a peifect seore on 1/5 of them.
A. On what fraction of Tamera's rotal spelling tests did she carn a perfeut seoref Show your work.

B. If Tamera rook 32 spelling ests, on how many did she earn a perfeet score' Show your work.

99. Tamera carned an A A on 58 \frac{5}{8} of her spelling lests. Of those spelling tests, stic earned a peifect seore on 15 \frac{1}{5} of them.\newlineA. On what fraction of Tamera's rotal spelling tests did she carn a perfeut seoref Show your work.\newline8215=1,0=13\frac{8}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{5}=1,0=\frac{1}{3}\newlineB. If Tamera rook 3232 spelling ests, on how many did she earn a perfeet score' Show your work.

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