Identify Conjugate of Denominator: Identify the conjugate of the denominator.The conjugate of (1−7) is (1+7). We will multiply the numerator and the denominator by this conjugate to rationalize the denominator.
Multiply by Conjugate: Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the conjugate. (1−75)⋅1+71+7=(1−7)⋅(1+7)5⋅(1+7)
Apply Difference of Squares: Apply the difference of squares to the denominator.(1−7)∗(1+7)=12−(7)2=1−7=−6
Distribute Numerator: Distribute the numerator.5×(1+7)=5+5×7
Combine Results: Combine the results from Step 3 and Step 4.(5+5×7)/(−6)
Simplify Expression: Simplify the expression by dividing each term in the numerator by the denominator.(−65)+(−65⋅7)=−65−(65⋅7)