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Sections 1.1 thru 1.4)
Use analytical and/or graphical methods to determine the intervals on


Sections 11.11 thru 11.44)\newlineUse analytical and/or graphical methods to determine the intervals on\newlinef(x)=1x+3 f(x)=\frac{1}{x+3}

Full solution

Q. Sections 11.11 thru 11.44)\newlineUse analytical and/or graphical methods to determine the intervals on\newlinef(x)=1x+3 f(x)=\frac{1}{x+3}
  1. Identify Function & Domain: Identify the function and its domain. f(x)=1(x+3)f(x) = \frac{1}{(x+3)}. The domain of f(x)f(x) excludes x=3x = -3, where the function is undefined.
  2. Find Derivative: Find the derivative f(x)f'(x) to analyze the behavior of f(x)f(x). Using the quotient rule or the derivative of inverse functions, f(x)=1(x+3)2f'(x) = -\frac{1}{(x+3)^2}.
  3. Determine Sign: Determine the sign of f(x)f'(x) to find increasing or decreasing intervals.\newlineSince the denominator (x+3)2(x+3)^2 is always positive, f(x)=1(x+3)2f'(x) = -\frac{1}{(x+3)^2} is always negative except at x=3x = -3 where it's undefined.
  4. Conclude Behavior: Conclude the behavior of f(x)f(x) based on the sign of f(x)f'(x).\newlineSince f(x)f'(x) is always negative, f(x)f(x) is always decreasing except at x=3x = -3 where it does not exist.

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