Q. Round 44.798958317 to the nearest ten-thousandth.Answer:
Identify digit at ten-thousandth place: Identify the digit at the ten-thousandth place.In the number 44.798958317, the ten-thousandth place is occupied by the digit '5'.
Check for rounding up: Look at the digit to the right of the ten-thousandth place to determine if we need to round up.The digit to the right of '5' is '8', which is greater than 5. Therefore, we will round up the ten-thousandth place.
Round to nearest ten-thousandth: Round the number to the nearest ten-thousandth.Since we are rounding up, the '5' in the ten-thousandth place will increase by 1, becoming '6'. The digits to the right of the ten-thousandth place will be dropped.So, 44.798958317 rounded to the nearest ten-thousandth is 44.79896.