Q. Round 4.8662588707 to the nearest hundred-thousandth.Answer:
Identify Hundred-Thousandth Place: Identify the hundred-thousandth place in the number 4.8662588707. The hundred-thousandth place is the sixth digit to the right of the decimal point. In this number, it is the digit '8'.
Check Next Digit: Look at the digit to the right of the hundred-thousandth place to determine if we need to round up.The digit to the right of the hundred-thousandth place is '7', which is greater than 5. Therefore, we will round up the hundred-thousandth place by 1.
Round to Nearest Hundred-Thousandth: Round the number to the nearest hundred-thousandth.Since we are rounding up, the hundred-thousandth digit 8 becomes 9. The number rounded to the nearest hundred-thousandth is 4.866259.