Identify Fraction Parts: Identify the numerator and the denominator of the fraction.Numerator: 15Denominator: 4We need to divide the numerator by the denominator to convert the fraction to a decimal.
Perform Division: Perform the division 15÷4 using long division or a calculator.15 divided by 4 is 3 with a remainder of 3.
Include Decimal Point: Since there is a remainder, we need to include a decimal point and continue the division.Adding a decimal point and a zero to the remainder, we continue the division: 30 divided by 4 is 7 with a remainder of 2.
Continue Division: Continue the division by adding another zero to the remainder. 20 divided by 4 is 5 with no remainder.
Combine Whole Number: Combine the whole number and the decimal part to get the final answer.The decimal equivalent of the fraction 415 is 3.75.