Apply double angle formula: Use the double angle formula for sine to express sin4x in terms of sin2x and cos2x. The double angle formula for sine is sin2θ=2sinθcosθ. We can apply this formula to sin4x by setting θ=2x, which gives us sin4x=2sin2xcos2x.
Apply formula to sin2x: Apply the double angle formula again to sin2x. Using the same double angle formula, sin2θ=2sinθcosθ, we can express sin2x as 2sinxcosx. So, sin4x becomes 2(2sinxcosx)cos2x.
Substitute into original identity: Substitute the expression from Step 2 into the original identity.We replace sin4x in the original identity sinxsin4x with 2(2sinxcosx)cos2x to get sinx2(2sinxcosx)cos2x.
Cancel out sinx: Simplify the expression by canceling out sinx. The sinx in the numerator and denominator cancel each other out, leaving us with 2(2cosxcos2x).
Multiply constants: Simplify the expression further by multiplying the constants. Multiplying the constants 2 and 2 gives us 4cosxcos2x, which is the right-hand side of the original identity.