Factorize Numerator: Step Title: Factorize the NumeratorConcise Step Description: Factorize the polynomial in the numerator.Step Calculation: x2(x2+2x+1)=x2(x+1)2Step Output: x2(x+1)2
Simplify Expression: Step Title: Simplify the ExpressionConcise Step Description: Cancel out the common factor in the numerator and the denominator.Step Calculation: (x2(x+1)2)/(x+1)=x2(x+1)Step Output: x2(x+1)
Substitute Limit Value: Step Title: Substitute the Limit ValueConcise Step Description: Substitute x=−1 into the simplified expression.Step Calculation: (−1)2(−1+1)=1×0=0Step Output: 0