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Mandy did 22 sit-ups on Monday, 66 sit-ups on Tuesday, 1818 sit-ups on Wednesday, and 5454 sit-ups on Thursday. What kind of sequence is this?

Full solution

Q. Mandy did 22 sit-ups on Monday, 66 sit-ups on Tuesday, 1818 sit-ups on Wednesday, and 5454 sit-ups on Thursday. What kind of sequence is this?
  1. List Sit-ups Count: Step 11: List the number of sit-ups Mandy did each day.\newlineMonday: 22\newlineTuesday: 66\newlineWednesday: 1818\newlineThursday: 5454\newlineSequence: 2,6,18,542, 6, 18, 54
  2. Check Differences: Step 22: Check if the differences between consecutive terms are equal.\newline62=46 - 2 = 4\newline186=1218 - 6 = 12\newline5418=3654 - 18 = 36\newlineThe differences are not equal.
  3. Check Ratios: Step 33: Check if the ratios of consecutive terms are equal. \newline62=3\frac{6}{2} = 3\newline186=3\frac{18}{6} = 3\newline5418=3\frac{54}{18} = 3\newlineThe ratios are equal and each term is 33 times the previous term.

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