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Is 3-3 an integer?\newlineChoices:\newline(A) yes\newline(B) no

Full solution

Q. Is 3-3 an integer?\newlineChoices:\newline(A) yes\newline(B) no
  1. Define Integer: Define what an integer is.\newlineAn integer is any whole number, including negative numbers, 00, and positive numbers, but not fractions or decimals.
  2. Determine Whole Number: Determine if 3-3 is a whole number without a fractional or decimal part.\newline3-3 is a whole number and it is to the left of zero on the number line. It does not have a fractional or decimal part.
  3. Conclude 3-3 Integer: Conclude if 3–3 meets the criteria of being an integer.\newlineSince 3–3 is a whole number and does not have a fractional or decimal part, it is an integer.

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Posted 10 months ago