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How many lines of symmetry do these patterns have?\a.\b.\c.(5\)\Dodecagon\newlinea.\newlineb.\newlinec.\newline55\newlineDodecagon

Full solution

Q. How many lines of symmetry do these patterns have?\a.\b.\c.(5\)\Dodecagon\newlinea.\newlineb.\newlinec.\newline55\newlineDodecagon
  1. Identify Symmetry Lines Pattern a: Identify the number of lines of symmetry for pattern aa.
  2. Identify Symmetry Lines Pattern b: Identify the number of lines of symmetry for pattern bb.
  3. Identify Symmetry Lines Pattern c: Identify the number of lines of symmetry for pattern cc.
  4. Identify Symmetry Lines Dodecagon: Identify the number of lines of symmetry for a dodecagon. A dodecagon has 1212 sides, so it has 1212 lines of symmetry.

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Posted 5 months ago