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Find the wrong number in the following series:\newline3,12,16,80,85,504,5163, 12, 16, 80, 85, 504, 516\newline(A) 1212\newline(B) 1616\newline(C) 504504\newline(D) 516516

Full solution

Q. Find the wrong number in the following series:\newline3,12,16,80,85,504,5163, 12, 16, 80, 85, 504, 516\newline(A) 1212\newline(B) 1616\newline(C) 504504\newline(D) 516516
  1. Analyze the pattern: Analyze the pattern in the series.\newlineThe series is 3,12,16,80,85,504,5163, 12, 16, 80, 85, 504, 516. At first glance, there is no clear arithmetic or geometric progression. We need to look for another pattern or relationship between the numbers.
  2. Examine differences or ratios: Look for a pattern by examining the differences or ratios between consecutive terms.\newlineThe differences between the terms are as follows: 123=912 - 3 = 9, 1612=416 - 12 = 4, 8016=6480 - 16 = 64, 8580=585 - 80 = 5, 50485=419504 - 85 = 419, 516504=12516 - 504 = 12. The differences do not form a clear pattern.\newlineThe ratios between the terms are as follows: 123=4\frac{12}{3} = 4, 1612=43\frac{16}{12} = \frac{4}{3}, 8016=5\frac{80}{16} = 5, 8580=1.0625\frac{85}{80} = 1.0625, 1612=416 - 12 = 400, 1612=416 - 12 = 411. The ratios also do not form a clear pattern.
  3. Look for digit operations: Look for a pattern involving operations on the digits of each number or their positions in the series.\newlineUpon closer inspection, we can try to see if there's a multiplication pattern that involves adding or subtracting a certain value to get the next term.\newlineLet's check if each number (after the first) can be obtained by multiplying the previous number by a certain factor and then adding or subtracting a number that follows a pattern.\newline3×4=123 \times 4 = 12 (33 multiplied by 44)\newline12×1+4=1612 \times 1 + 4 = 16 (1212 multiplied by 11 and then add 44)\newline16×5=8016 \times 5 = 80 (1616 multiplied by 55)\newline3300 (3311 multiplied by 11 and then add 55)\newline3344 (3355 multiplied by 3366)\newlineIt seems like the pattern involves multiplying by an increasing number (3377) and then adding the same number (3388), but the last multiplication does not fit the pattern.
  4. Verify pattern consistency: Verify the pattern found in Step 33 for all terms and identify the term that does not fit.\newlineFollowing the pattern, we should check if 504504 is obtained correctly from 8585.\newline85×6=51085 \times 6 = 510, not 504504. Therefore, 504504 is the term that does not fit the pattern we have identified.
  5. Confirm incorrect number: Confirm that the identified wrong number is indeed incorrect by checking the next term in the series.\newlineIf 85×6=51085 \times 6 = 510, then the next term should be 510×1+6=516510 \times 1 + 6 = 516. This matches the last term in the series, confirming that 504504 is the incorrect number.

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