Q. Find the LCD of the rational expressions in the list.5x+157,9x−362The LCD (least common denominator) is □ (Type your answer in factored form.)
Factor Denominators: Factor the denominators of both rational expressions.For the first expression, (5x+15), we can factor out a 5 to get 5(x+3).For the second expression, (9x−36), we can factor out a 9 to get 9(x−4).
Identify Unique Factors: Identify the unique factors in both factored denominators.The first denominator has the factors 5 and (x+3).The second denominator has the factors 9 and (x−4).
Determine LCD: Determine the least common denominator (LCD) by taking the product of the unique factors.The LCD will be the product of 5, 9, (x+3), and (x−4).
Write LCD in Factored Form: Write the LCD in factored form.The LCD in factored form is 5×9×(x+3)×(x−4).
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