Understand the problem: Understand the problem.We need to calculate 20% of 35. This means we need to find out what number is 20% of the total number 35.
Convert to decimal: Convert the percentage to a decimal.To calculate a percentage of a number, we first convert the percentage to a decimal. To convert 20% to a decimal, we divide 20 by 100.20%=10020=0.20
Multiply decimal by number: Multiply the decimal by the number.Now, we multiply the decimal form of the percentage 0.20 by the number 35 to find 20% of 35.20% of 35=0.20×35
Perform multiplication: Perform the multiplication. 0.20×35=7
Verify result: Verify the result.To check for a math error, we can consider if our steps logically make sense and if the multiplication is correct. Multiplying 0.20 by 35 should indeed give us 7, so there is no math error.
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