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Fill in the blank:
90 ×40=

Fill in the blank:\newlineAnswer: 90×40= 90 \times 40 = \square

Full solution

Q. Fill in the blank:\newlineAnswer: 90×40= 90 \times 40 = \square
  1. Identify Numbers: Identify the numbers to be multiplied, which are 9090 and 4040.
  2. Multiply Tens Digit: Multiply the tens digit of the first number by the second number. Since 9090 is the same as 99 tens, multiply 99 by 4040. \newline9×40=3609 \times 40 = 360
  3. Account for Tens Place: Since we originally multiplied 99 tens by 4040, we need to account for the tens place by adding a zero to our result from Step 22.\newline360×10=3600360 \times 10 = 3600
  4. Conclude Product: Conclude that the product of 9090 and 4040 is 36003600.

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