Identify GCF: Identify the greatest common factor (GCF) of the terms 162p2 and 242. Both numbers are even, so 2 is a factor. We can check for higher factors that are common to both numbers.
Divide by 2: Divide both 162 and 242 by 2 to see if there is a larger common factor. 162÷2=81 and 242÷2=121. Both 81 and 121 are perfect squares (92 and 112, respectively), so the GCF is not just 2. We can try to factor out a larger number.
Check for 3: Since 81 and 121 are both multiples of 3, we can divide them by 3 to see if 3 is a common factor. 81÷3=27 and 121 is not divisible by 3. Therefore, 3 is not a common factor for both terms. We should go back and check for the largest common factor that includes 2.
Factor out 2: We know that 81 is 34 and 121 is 112. Since 3 is not a factor of 121, we can conclude that the GCF is 2. Now we can factor out 2 from both terms.
Factor inside parentheses: Factoring out the GCF of 2, we get 2(81p2−121). We can now look at each term inside the parentheses to see if they can be factored further.
Apply difference of squares: Inside the parentheses, we have a difference of squares since 81p2 is (9p)2 and 121 is 112. We can factor the difference of squares as (a2−b2)=(a+b)(a−b).
Verify factoring: Apply the difference of squares factoring to get 2((9p+11)(9p−11)).
Verify factoring: Apply the difference of squares factoring to get 2((9p+11)(9p−11)).Check the factoring for any possible errors. 2×(9p+11)×(9p−11) should expand back to the original expression 162p2−242. Let's expand it to verify: 2×(81p2−99p+99p−121) simplifies to 2×(81p2−121), which is 162p2−242. The factoring is correct.
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