Whole Number Part: The whole number part is the number before the decimal point, so that's 16.
Decimal Part to Fraction: The decimal part is 0.54, which we need to express as a fraction.
Convert to Fraction: To convert .54 to a fraction, we write it over 100 because it's in the hundredths place. So it becomes rac{54}{100}.
Simplify Fraction: Now we simplify the fraction 10054 by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2.
Final Mixed Number: After dividing, we get 5027, because 54÷2=27 and 100÷2=50.
Final Mixed Number: After dividing, we get 5027, because 54÷2=27 and 100÷2=50.So, the mixed number is 16 and 5027.
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