Q. Convert the fraction below into a decimal127Edit the repeating and non-repeating part of the decimal:0.□□
Understand division process: Understand the division process for converting a fraction to a decimal.To convert the fraction 127 into a decimal, we need to perform the division of the numerator by the denominator.
Set up division of 7 by 12: Set up the division of 7 by 12. We write 7 as 7.000, adding three decimal places for the division, and divide it by 12.
Perform division: Perform the division.12 goes into 70 five times (5×12=60), so we write 5 above the line after the decimal point. Subtract 60 from 70 to get a remainder of 10. Bring down the next 0 to make it 100.
Continue division: Continue the division.12 goes into 100 eight times (8×12=96), so we write 8 next to the 5 in the quotient. Subtract 96 from 100 to get a remainder of 4. Bring down the next 0 to make it 40.
Finish division: Finish the division. 12 goes into 40 three times (3×12=36), so we write 3 next to the 8 in the quotient. Subtract 36 from 40 to get a remainder of 4. Since the remainder is repeating the previous remainder, we can stop the division here as the decimal will start to repeat.
Write final answer: Write the final answer.The division gives us the decimal 0.583, and since the remainder has started to repeat, we know that the decimal does not continue further.