Q. Convert the fraction below into a decimal117Edit the repeating and non-repeating part of the decimal:0.□□
Set Up Long Division: We start by setting up the long division of 7 divided by 11. Since 7 is less than 11, we add a decimal point to the quotient and add a zero to the dividend, making it 70.
Divide 70 by 11: Now we divide 70 by 11, which goes 6 times because 6 times 11 is 66. We write 6 after the decimal point in the quotient.
Subtract and Bring Down: Subtract 66 from 70, which leaves us with a remainder of 4. We then add another zero to the remainder and bring it down, making it 40.
Divide 40 by 11: Next, we divide 40 by 11, which goes 3 times because 3 times 11 is 33. We write 3 after the 6 in the quotient.
Repeat and Identify Pattern: Subtract 33 from 40, which leaves us with a remainder of 7. We add another zero and bring it down, making it 70 again.
Repeat and Identify Pattern: Subtract 33 from 40, which leaves us with a remainder of 7. We add another zero and bring it down, making it 70 again.We notice that we are repeating the same steps as before, which means the decimal will repeat the digit 3 indefinitely. Therefore, the fraction 117 as a decimal is 0.63 with the 3 repeating.