Q. Convert the fraction below into a decimal114Edit the repeating and non-repeating part of the decimal:0.□□
Divide with Decimal Point: We divide 4 by 11 using long division. Since 4 is less than 11, we add a decimal point to 4, making it 4.0 and then add a zero to continue the division.
First Digit Calculation: When we divide 40 by 11, we get 3 with a remainder of 7. So, the first digit of the decimal is 3.
Continuing Division: We add another zero to the remainder to continue the division. Now we have 70 divided by 11, which gives us 6 with a remainder of 4.
Identifying Repeating Decimal: Again, we add another zero to the remainder and continue the division. Now we have 40 divided by 11, which we have already calculated in a previous step as 3 with a remainder of 7.
Identifying Repeating Decimal: Again, we add another zero to the remainder and continue the division. Now we have 40 divided by 11, which we have already calculated in a previous step as 3 with a remainder of 7.At this point, we can see that the division will repeat the same sequence of numbers, indicating that the decimal is a repeating decimal. The digits 36 repeat indefinitely.