Q. Convert the fraction below into a decimal4029Edit the repeating and non-repeating part of the decimal:0.□□
Understand the problem: Understand the problem.We need to convert the fraction 4029 into a decimal. This involves dividing the numerator by the denominator.
Set up the division: Set up the division.To convert the fraction to a decimal, we divide 29 by 40.
Perform the division: Perform the division.Using long division, we divide 29 by 40. Since 29 is less than 40, we add a decimal point and a zero to 29, making it 290. Now, we see how many times 40 goes into 290.40 goes into 290 seven times (400), with a remainder of 401.
Continue the division: Continue the division.We add another zero to the remainder to continue the division. Now we have 100. We see how many times 40 goes into 100.40 goes into 100 two times (2×40=80), with a remainder of 20.
Continue the division: Continue the division until the remainder is zero or the pattern repeats.We add another zero to the remainder to continue the division. Now we have 200. We see how many times 40 goes into 200.40 goes into 200 five times (5×40=200), with a remainder of 0.
Write the final answer: Write the final answer.Since there is no remainder, the division is complete, and the decimal form of 4029 is 0.725.