Q. Convert the fraction below into a decimal111Edit the repeating and non-repeating part of the decimal:0.□□
Perform Long Division: To convert the fraction 111 into a decimal, we can perform long division by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
Set Up Division: We set up the division by placing 1 as the dividend inside the division bracket and 11 as the divisor outside the bracket. Since 1 is less than 11, we add a decimal point to the dividend and add a zero to make it 10.
Divide 1 by 11: Now we ask how many times does 11 go into 10. Since it doesn't, we write down 0 in the quotient place above the division bracket and add another zero to the dividend, making it 100.
Write Down Quotient:11 goes into 100 exactly 9 times, so we write down 9 in the quotient place after the decimal point. We then multiply 9 by 11 to get 99 and subtract this from 100, leaving us with a remainder of 1.
Repeat Process Indefinitely: We add another zero to the remainder to get 10 and repeat the process. Again, 11 does not go into 10, so we write down another 0 in the quotient and add another zero to make it 100.
Repeat Process Indefinitely: We add another zero to the remainder to get 10 and repeat the process. Again, 11 does not go into 10, so we write down another 0 in the quotient and add another zero to make it 100.This process will continue indefinitely, with 11 going into 100 exactly 9 times, and each time leaving a remainder that leads to another 100. This means that the decimal will repeat the digit 9.