Check Numerator vs Denominator: Determine if the numerator is larger than the denominator.In the fraction57, the numerator (7) is larger than the denominator (5), which means the fraction is an improper fraction and can be converted into a mixed number.
Divide for Whole Number: Divide the numerator by the denominator to find the whole number part of the mixed number.Dividing 7 by 5 gives us 1 with a remainder of 2.7÷5=1 R2
Write Whole Number: Write down the whole number part of the mixed number.The whole number part of the mixed number is 1.
Find Fractional Part: Write the remainder over the original denominator to find the fractional part of the mixed number.The remainder is 2, and the original denominator is 5, so the fractional part of the mixed number is 52.
Combine for Mixed Number: Combine the whole number part and the fractional part to form the mixed number.The mixed number is 1 whole and 52 as the fractional part, so the mixed number is 152.
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