Divide numerator by denominator: Determine how many times the denominator goes into the numerator.In this case, we need to see how many times 9 can go into 10 without exceeding it.10 divided by 9 is 1 with a remainder of 1.
Write whole number part: Write the whole number part of the mixed number.The whole number part is the number of times the denominator went into the numerator, which is 1.
Write fractional part: Write the fractional part of the mixed number.The fractional part is the remainder over the original denominator.The remainder is 1, and the original denominator is 9, so the fractional part is 91.
Combine whole and fractional parts: Combine the whole number and the fractional parts to form the mixed number. The mixed number is the whole number part followed by the fractional part. So, the mixed number is 191.
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