Find Common Denominator: Find a common denominator for 71, 53, and 102. The least common multiple of 7, 5, and 10 is 70, so we will use 70 as the common denominator.
Convert to Equivalent Fractions: Convert each fraction to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 70. 1/7=(1×10)/(7×10)=10/703/5=(3×14)/(5×14)=42/702/10=(2×7)/(10×7)=14/70
Add Fractions: Add the fractions with the common denominator. 7010+7042+7014=70(10+42+14)
Perform Addition: Perform the addition.10+42+14=66So, 7010+7042+7014=7066
Simplify Fraction: Simplify the fraction 7066 if possible.Both 66 and 70 are divisible by 2.7066=(70/2)(66/2)=3533
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