Find Common Denominator: Step Title: Find a Common DenominatorConcise Step Description: To combine the fractions, find a common denominator that is a multiple of all the individual denominators.Step Calculation: The least common multiple (LCM) of 14, 7, and 2 is 14.Step Output: Common Denominator: 14
Rewrite with Common Denominator: Step Title: Rewrite Fractions with Common DenominatorConcise Step Description: Rewrite each fraction so that they all have the common denominator of 14.Step Calculation: - The first fraction is already over 14, so it remains 14a.- The second fraction, 72a, is multiplied by 22 to get 144a.- The third fraction, 23a, is multiplied by 77 to get 1421a.Step Output: Fractions with common denominator: 14a, 144a, 1421a
Combine Fractions: Step Title: Combine the FractionsConcise Step Description: Combine the fractions by adding or subtracting the numerators and keeping the common denominator.Step Calculation: Combine the fractions: (14a)−(144a)+(1421a)Step Output: Combined fraction: (a−4a+21a)/14
Simplify Numerator: Step Title: Simplify the NumeratorConcise Step Description: Simplify the numerator by combining like terms.Step Calculation: Simplify the expression: a−4a+21aStep Output: Simplified numerator: 18a
Write Final Expression: Step Title: Write the Final Simplified ExpressionConcise Step Description: Write the final simplified expression with the simplified numerator over the common denominator.Step Calculation: The final simplified expression is 1418a.Step Output: Final simplified expression: 1418a
Reduce if Possible: Step Title: Reduce the Fraction if PossibleConcise Step Description: Check if the fraction can be reduced by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and the denominator.Step Calculation: The GCD of 18a and 14 is 2.Divide both the numerator and the denominator by 2 to reduce the fraction.Step Output: Reduced fraction: (18a/2)/(14/2)
Final Answer: Step Title: Final AnswerConcise Step Description: Write down the final answer after reducing the fraction.Step Calculation: The final answer is 79a.Step Output: Final answer: 79a