Set up the division problem: Set up the division problem. We want to divide 8 by 20.Calculation: 8÷20
Perform the division: Perform the division. Since 8 is less than 20, we will have a decimal less than 1. We can add a decimal point and a zero to 8 to make it 80 and then divide by 20.Calculation: 80÷20=4
Place the decimal point: Place the decimal point. Since we added one zero to the original 8, we need to place the decimal point accordingly in our result.Calculation: 0.4 (since 4 must be one decimal place to the left to represent 8, not 80)
Check the result: Check the result. We can multiply the result by 20 to see if we get back to 8.Calculation: 0.4×20=8
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