Understand the problem: Understand the division problem. We need to divide 6 by 4 to find the decimal form of the quotient.Calculation: None needed at this step.
Perform the division: Perform the division. Since 4 goes into 6 one time with a remainder of 2, we can express 6 as 4 times 1 plus 2.Calculation: 6÷4=1 with a remainder of 2.
Convert the remainder to a decimal: Convert the remainder into a decimal. To do this, we treat the remainder as 42, which can be simplified to 21. Calculation: 42=21.
Convert the fraction to a decimal: Convert the fraction21 to a decimal. We know that 21 is equal to 0.5 in decimal form.Calculation: 21=0.5.
Combine the whole number and decimal: Combine the whole number from Step 2 with the decimal from Step 4 to get the final answer.Calculation: 1+0.5=1.5.
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