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Combine the like terms to create an equivalent expression:


Combine the like terms to create an equivalent expression:\newline4r2r+5-4r-2r+5

Full solution

Q. Combine the like terms to create an equivalent expression:\newline4r2r+5-4r-2r+5
  1. Identify like terms: Identify like terms in the expression 4r2r+5-4r - 2r + 5.\newlineLike terms are terms that contain the same variable raised to the same power. Here, 4r-4r and 2r-2r are like terms because they both contain the variable rr raised to the first power.
  2. Combine like terms: Combine the like terms 4r-4r and 2r-2r.\newlineTo combine like terms, add or subtract their coefficients. In this case, we add the coefficients of 4-4 and 2-2.\newlineCalculation: 4r2r=(42)r=6r-4r - 2r = (-4 - 2)r = -6r
  3. Rewrite expression: Rewrite the expression with the combined like terms.\newlineAfter combining like terms, the expression becomes 6r+5-6r + 5.

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