Q. 99 divide by 18 equals to 1899 equals to what as a decimal
Divide numerator by denominator: To convert the fraction1899 to a decimal, we need to perform the division of the numerator by the denominator.Calculation: 99÷18
Perform long division: Using long division, we divide 99 by 18. 18 goes into 99 five times (5×18=90), leaving a remainder of 9.Calculation: 99÷18=5 R9
Continue division with decimal: To find the decimal part, we continue the division by adding a decimal point to the quotient and a zero to the remainder, making it 90. We then divide 90 by 18.Calculation: 90÷18=5.0 (since 18 goes into 90 exactly 5 times with no remainder)
Add whole number and decimal: Adding the result of the division to the whole number part, we get 5+0.0=5.0 as the decimal representation of 1899.Calculation: 5+0.0=5.0
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