Set up division problem: Set up the division problem.To divide 622.51 by 7, we write it as 622.51÷7.
Perform the division: Perform the division.We divide 622.51 by 7. This can be done using long division or a calculator. Using long division, we find that 7 goes into 62 eight times (8×7=56), with a remainder of 6. Bringing down the next digit (2), we have 62 again, and the process repeats. After the decimal point, we bring down the 5 to get 65, which is divided by 7 to get 71 with a remainder of 2. Finally, we bring down the 73 to get 74, which is divided by 7 to get 76 with no remainder.
Check for errors: Check the result for any mathematical errors.We can multiply the quotient by 7 to see if we get the original number, 622.51. 88.93×7=622.51. This confirms that our division is correct.
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