Set up division problem: Set up the division problem.We need to divide 5004380 by 204 to find the quotient.
Begin long division process: Begin the long division process.Divide the first three digits of the dividend (500) by the divisor (204). Since 204 goes into 500 two times, write 2 above the division bar.
Multiply divisor by quotient: Multiply the divisor by the current quotient.Multiply 204 by 2 to get 408.
Subtract result from dividend: Subtract the result from the first three digits of the dividend.Subtract 408 from 500 to get 92.
Bring down next digit: Bring down the next digit of the dividend.Bring down the next digit (4) to the right of 92, making it 924.
Divide new number by divisor: Divide the new number by the divisor.Divide 924 by 204. Since 204 goes into 924 four times, write 4 next to the 2 above the division bar.
Multiply divisor by quotient: Multiply the divisor by the current quotient.Multiply 204 by 4 to get 816.
Subtract result from dividend: Subtract the result from the number you brought down.Subtract 816 from 924 to get 108.
Bring down next digit: Bring down the next digit of the dividend.Bring down the next digit (3) to the right of 108, making it 1083.
Divide new number by divisor: Divide the new number by the divisor. Divide 1083 by 204. Since 204 goes into 1083 five times, write 5 next to the 24 above the division bar.
Multiply divisor by quotient: Multiply the divisor by the current quotient.Multiply 204 by 5 to get 1020.
Subtract result from dividend: Subtract the result from the number you brought down.Subtract 1020 from 1083 to get 63.
Bring down next digit: Bring down the next digit of the dividend.Bring down the next digit (0) to the right of 63, making it 630.
Divide new number by divisor: Divide the new number by the divisor.Divide 630 by 204. Since 204 goes into 630 three times, write 3 next to the 245 above the division bar.
Multiply divisor by quotient: Multiply the divisor by the current quotient.Multiply 204 by 3 to get 612.
Subtract result from dividend: Subtract the result from the number you brought down.Subtract 612 from 630 to get 18.
Bring down next digit: Bring down the next digit of the dividend.Bring down the next digit (0) to the right of 18, making it 180.
Divide new number by divisor: Divide the new number by the divisor. Divide 180 by 204. Since 204 does not go into 180, write 0 next to the 2453 above the division bar.
Multiply divisor by quotient: Multiply the divisor by the current quotient.Multiply 204 by 0 to get 0.
Subtract result from dividend: Subtract the result from the number you brought down.Subtract 0 from 180 to get 180, which is the remainder.