Convert to Improper Fraction: Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.532 is the same as (5×3+2)/3, which equals (15+2)/3 or 317.
Set Up Division: Set up the division of the improper fraction by the whole number. We have 317÷4, which is the same as 317×41 (since dividing by a number is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal).
Multiply Numerators and Denominators: Multiply the numerators and then the denominators.(17×1)/(3×4) equals 17/12.
Simplify Fraction: Simplify the fraction if possible. 1217 is already in its simplest form, as 17 is a prime number and cannot be divided evenly by 12.
Convert to Mixed Number: Convert the improper fraction back to a mixed number if desired. 1217 is 1 with a remainder of 5, so it is 1125.
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