Add Hundreds Place: Add the hundreds place from each number.We have 400 from 459, 500 from 533, and 300 from 320. Adding these together gives us:400+500+300=1200
Add Tens Place: Add the tens place from each number.We have 50 from 459, 30 from 533, and 20 from 320. Adding these together gives us:50+30+20=100
Add Ones Place: Add the ones place from each number.We have 9 from 459, 3 from 533, and 0 from 320. Adding these together gives us:9+3+0=12
Add Sum of Places: Add the sums from the hundreds, tens, and ones places.From the previous steps, we have 1200 from the hundreds places, 100 from the tens places, and 12 from the ones places. Adding these sums together gives us:1200+100+12=1312