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3478234782 ×\times 549549

Full solution

Q. 3478234782 ×\times 549549
  1. Set up multiplication problem: Set up the multiplication problem in the standard format.\newlineWrite the larger number, 3478234782, on top and the smaller number, 549549, below it, aligning the digits by place value.
  2. Multiply by rightmost digit: Multiply the top number by the rightmost digit of the bottom number (99).\newline9×2=189 \times 2 = 18, write down 88 and carry over 11.\newline9×8=729 \times 8 = 72, add the carried over 11 to get 7373, write down 33 and carry over 77.\newline9×7=639 \times 7 = 63, add the carried over 77 to get 9×2=189 \times 2 = 1811, write down 9×2=189 \times 2 = 1822 and carry over 77.\newline9×2=189 \times 2 = 1844, add the carried over 77 to get 9×2=189 \times 2 = 1866, write down 33 and carry over 9×2=189 \times 2 = 1888.\newline9×2=189 \times 2 = 1899, add the carried over 9×2=189 \times 2 = 1888 to get 8811, write down 8811.\newlineThe partial product is 8833.
  3. Multiply by middle digit: Multiply the top number by the middle digit of the bottom number (44), remembering to add a zero (place holder) at the end of this partial product.\newline4×2=84 \times 2 = 8, write down 88 and add a zero (place holder) to get 8080.\newline4×8=324 \times 8 = 32, write down 22 and carry over 33.\newline4×7=284 \times 7 = 28, add the carried over 33 to get 3131, write down 4×2=84 \times 2 = 800 and carry over 33.\newline4×2=84 \times 2 = 822, add the carried over 33 to get 4×2=84 \times 2 = 844, write down 4×2=84 \times 2 = 855 and carry over 4×2=84 \times 2 = 800.\newline4×2=84 \times 2 = 877, add the carried over 4×2=84 \times 2 = 800 to get 4×2=84 \times 2 = 899, write down 4×2=84 \times 2 = 899.\newlineThe partial product is 8811.
  4. Multiply by leftmost digit: Multiply the top number by the leftmost digit of the bottom number (55), remembering to add two zeros (place holders) at the end of this partial product.\newline5×2=105 \times 2 = 10, write down 00 and carry over 11.\newline5×8=405 \times 8 = 40, add the carried over 11 to get 4141, write down 11 and carry over 44.\newline5×7=355 \times 7 = 35, add the carried over 44 to get 5×2=105 \times 2 = 1011, write down 5×2=105 \times 2 = 1022 and carry over 5×2=105 \times 2 = 1033.\newline5×2=105 \times 2 = 1044, add the carried over 5×2=105 \times 2 = 1033 to get 5×2=105 \times 2 = 1066, write down 5×2=105 \times 2 = 1033 and carry over 5×2=105 \times 2 = 1088.\newline5×2=105 \times 2 = 1099, add the carried over 5×2=105 \times 2 = 1088 to get 0011, write down 0011.\newlineThe partial product is 0033.
  5. Add partial products: Add all the partial products together.\newlineAlign all the partial products by their place value and add them.\newline 313098313098\newline+13912001391200\newline+1739100017391000\newline---------\newlineThe sum will give us the final product.
  6. Perform final addition: Perform the addition of the partial products.\newline313098313098\newline+ 13912001391200\newline+1739100017391000\newline---------\newline1910939819109398\newlineWrite down the final sum.

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