Set Up Division Problem: First, we need to set up the division problem correctly. We are dividing 342.2 by 0.58.Calculation: 342.2÷0.58
Eliminate Decimals: To make the division simpler, we can eliminate the decimal by multiplying both the dividend (342.2) and the divisor (0.58) by 100. This will convert both numbers into whole numbers.Calculation: (342.2×100)÷(0.58×100)=34220÷58
Perform Division: Now we can divide 34220 by 58 using long division or a calculator.Calculation: 34220÷58≈590
Check for Remainder: We should check if there is a remainder by multiplying the quotient (590) by the divisor (58) and comparing it to the original dividend (34220).Calculation: 590×58=34220