Set up division: Set up the long division of 2689123 by 35. To solve 2689123÷35, we will use long division.
Determine first division: Determine how many times 35 goes into the first two digits of 2689123, which is 26.35 does not go into 26, so we will consider the first three digits, which is 268.
Find remainder: Determine how many times 35 goes into 268.35 goes into 268 a total of 7 times because 7×35=245, which is the closest multiple of 35 that does not exceed 268.
Bring down next digit: Subtract 245 from 268 to find the remainder.268−245=23.
Determine next division: Bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 9, to make the new number 239.
Find next remainder: Determine how many times 35 goes into 239. 35 goes into 239 a total of 6 times because 6×35=210, which is the closest multiple of 35 that does not exceed 239.
Bring down next digit: Subtract 210 from 239 to find the remainder.239−210=29.
Determine next division: Bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 1, to make the new number 291.
Find next remainder: Determine how many times 35 goes into 291. 35 goes into 291 a total of 8 times because 8×35=280, which is the closest multiple of 35 that does not exceed 291.
Bring down next digit: Subtract 280 from 291 to find the remainder.291−280=11.
Determine final division: Bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 2, to make the new number 112.
Find final remainder: Determine how many times 35 goes into 112. 35 goes into 112 a total of 3 times because 3×35=105, which is the closest multiple of 35 that does not exceed 112.
Find final remainder: Determine how many times 35 goes into 112.35 goes into 112 a total of 3 times because 3×35=105, which is the closest multiple of 35 that does not exceed 112. Subtract 105 from 112 to find the remainder.1120.
Find final remainder: Determine how many times 35 goes into 112.35 goes into 112 a total of 3 times because 3×35=105, which is the closest multiple of 35 that does not exceed 112. Subtract 105 from 112 to find the remainder.1120. Bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 3, to make the new number 1122.
Find final remainder: Determine how many times 35 goes into 112. 35 goes into 112 a total of 3 times because 3×35=105, which is the closest multiple of 35 that does not exceed 112. Subtract 105 from 112 to find the remainder. 1120. Bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 3, to make the new number 1122. Determine how many times 35 goes into 1122. 35 goes into 1122 a total of 1127 times because 1128, which is the closest multiple of 35 that does not exceed 1122.
Find final remainder: Determine how many times 35 goes into 112.35 goes into 112 a total of 3 times because 3×35=105, which is the closest multiple of 35 that does not exceed 112. Subtract 105 from 112 to find the remainder.1120. Bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 3, to make the new number 1122. Determine how many times 35 goes into 1122.35 goes into 1122 a total of 1127 times because 1128, which is the closest multiple of 35 that does not exceed 1122. Subtract 351 from 1122 to find the remainder.353. This is the final remainder since there are no more digits to bring down.