Set up division problem: Set up the division problem.We need to divide 211768 by 71 to find the quotient.
Begin long division process: Begin the long division process.Divide 71 into the first two digits of 211768, which is 211. Since 71 goes into 211 two times, we write 2 above the line.2×71=142
Subtract product from dividend: Subtract the product from the first part of the dividend. 211−142=69Bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 7, to make the number 697.
Divide 71 into 697: Divide 71 into 697. 71 goes into 697 nine times, so we write 9 above the line. 9×71=639
Subtract product from current number: Subtract the product from the current number. 697−639=58 Bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 6, to make the number 586.
Divide 71 into 586: Divide 71 into 586.71 goes into 586 eight times, so we write 8 above the line.8×71=568
Subtract product from current number: Subtract the product from the current number. 586−568=18Since there are no more digits to bring down, 18 is the remainder.
Write final answer: Write down the final answer.The quotient is 298 and the remainder is 18.