Identify Numbers: Identify the numbers to be added.We have three numbers to add: 1, 23, and 4. We will add these numbers together to find the total sum.
Convert to Common Denominator: Convert the whole numbers to fractions to have a common denominator.The number 1 can be written as 22, and the number 4 can be written as 28, so that all numbers have the same denominator.
Add Fractions: Add the fractions together.Now we add the fractions: 22+23+28.
Perform Addition: Perform the addition.Adding the numerators, we get 2+3+8=13, with the common denominator of 2.So, the sum is 213.
Convert to Mixed Number: Convert the improper fraction to a mixed number (if necessary).The fraction 213 can be written as a mixed number. 13 divided by 2 is 6 with a remainder of 1. So, 213 is equal to 621.
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