Identify common denominator: Identify the common denominator in both fractions to combine them.The common denominator is already present, which is (2m−9).
Combine numerators: Combine the numerators over the common denominator.The combined fraction is 2m−9(5m2+7m)−(2m).
Distribute negative sign: Distribute the negative sign to the second term in the numerator.This gives us (5m2+7m−2m)/(2m−9).
Combine like terms: Combine like terms in the numerator.This simplifies to (5m2+5m)/(2m−9).
Check for further factoring: Check if the numerator can be factored further. The numerator cannot be factored further since 5m2+5m does not have a common factor with 2m−9.
Write final expression: Write down the final simplified expression.The final simplified expression is (5m2+5m)/(2m−9).
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