Multiply by Conjugate: First, let's multiply the numerator and the denominator by the conjugate of the denominator to get rid of the square root in the denominator.So we multiply (1+5)/(1−5) by (1+5)/(1+5).
Perform Multiplication: Now, let's do the multiplication.Numerator: (1+5)×(1+5)=12+2×1×5+(5)2.Denominator: (1−5)×(1+5)=12−(5)2.
Simplify Expressions: Simplify the expressions we just found.Numerator: 1+25+5.Denominator: 1−5.
Combine Like Terms: Combine like terms in the numerator and denominator.Numerator: 6+25.Denominator: −4.
Divide Numerator by Denominator: Now, divide each term in the numerator by the denominator.(−46)+(−425).
Simplify Fractions: Simplify the fractions.−23−(25).